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ADUCID Web Integration Client API Description

advanced method to pass more parameters like transaction amount, description, etc.

  aducid.setInitParams = function(param) {
      initParams = param;

tell server to generate QR / or not to reduce payload

  aducid.setGenerateQr = function(param) {
      generateQr = param;

QR code and animation location jQuery

  aducid.setQrCode = function(param) {
      qrCode = param;

QR code hint jQuery

  aducid.setQrHint = function(param) {
      qrHint = param;

Embedded timer location

  aducid.setQrTimer = function(param) {
      qrTimer = param;

debug DOM to display internal messages

  aducid.setDebug = function(param) {
      aducidDebug = param;

server URL typically provided by server side controller

  aducid.setStartOperationUrl = function(param) {
      startOperationUrl = param;

check method location provided by server side controller

  aducid.setResultOperationUrl = function(param) {
      resultOperationUrl = param;
  //URL with proxy method provided  by server
  //returns status oft running operation from AIM until finish
  aducid.setProxyUrl = function(param) {
      proxyUrl = param;

Tell AJAX to use GET or POST POST is used to deliver more data like transaction parameters

  aducid.setAjaxMethod = function(param) {
      ajaxMethod = param;

Redirect URL for iOS typically provided by server side controler

  aducid.setRedirectUrl = function(param) {
      redirectUrl = param;

Button with bound operation

  aducid.setButton = function(param) {
      aducidButton = param; {
          if (currentRequest != null) instance.startOperation();
          else instance.init(true);

Internal logic to evaluate API binding mode

  aducid.setSessionBinding = function(param) {
      if (param == "QR" || param == "URI") {
      else param = "";
      localStorage['session-binding'] = param;

Get last binding mode

  aducid.getSessionBinding = function() {
      return localStorage['session-binding'];

Is binding URI?

  aducid.isURI = function() {
      return instance.getSessionBinding() == "URI";

Is binding QR?

  aducid.isQR = function() {
      return instance.getSessionBinding() == "QR";

Is this operation going to be authentication (i.e. first operation in chain)?

  aducid.setAuthentication = function() {

Text hint shown before operation started

  aducid.showQRHint = function(param) {
      if (qrHint != null) qrHint.html(localize("aducid_common_authenticateComment"));

How API can hide text hint

  aducid.hideQRHint = function(param) {
      if (qrHint != null) qrHint.html("");

Text hint shown after operation started

  aducid.showRunningHint = function(param) {
      if (qrHint != null) qrHint.html(localize("aducid_common_authenticationProgress"));

How API can hide text hint

  aducid.hideRunningHint = function(param) {
      if (qrHint != null) qrHint.html("");

The most important method - what API should do when operation finishes (not processed on iOS as we use returnUrl directly there)

  aducid.processResult = function(result) {

How PEIG not installed is treated, marketplace redirect can be used here

  aducid.showPeigError = function() {
      alert("peig error - override this function")

Auxiliary method to animate operation in progress

  aducid.startAnimation = function() {
      if (qrCode != null) {
          qrCode.attr("src", "/aducid-resources/img/running.gif");

Stop animation

  aducid.stopRunningAnimation = function() {
      if (qrCode == null) return;

This method controll progress bar animation. See aducid-api.js

 this.startProgressBar = function(animationTime) {

Hide QR timer progress bar

  aducid.hideProgressBar = function() {
      if (qrTimer == null) return;

How errors are treated - use nice dialogues here

  aducid.handleError = function(e) {
web-integration/client-side.1564653319.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/01 09:55 by tjotov