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specify RPM directory

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/aducid.repo

[aducid-media] name=aducid $releasever baseurl=file:/media/ADUCID/repository/el$releasever/$basearch/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 ===== perform update ===== <codedoc> yum clean all # if the following is OK yum update aducid-installer # then do the others yum update aducid-aaa aim aducid-proof </codedoc> ===== check config files ===== You will probably need to replace newly installed file /opt/aaa/conf/aducid-aaa.conf with the file, you saved in previous steps Check also the /opt/tomcat/conf/ file ===== start services ===== <codedoc> systemctl start tomcat9.service tail -f /opt/tomcat/logs/catalina.out # systemctl start aducid-aaa.service systemctl -l status aducid-aaa.service # systemctl start httpd.service systemctl -l status httpd.service </codedoc>

maintenance/update/03-update.1566476203.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/22 12:16 by mpospisek