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Installation options

NOTE: This guide applies to release version 4.3.0 and higher


The ADUCID Server Kit DVD contains a fully functional installation of ADUCID server components, in the form of VMware virtual machine (hardware version 10) installed in the same way, as described in following sections. The file located in the directory vm is zipped VMware OVF template (consisting of two files), that can be imported on ESXi 5.5 a higher version.

You just need to import it to your environment and adjust some parameters:

  • VM hardware parameters according to expected load (default values 8 CPU/40GB RAM should be OK in many cases)
  • start the VM and connect to it through VMware Remote Console (default root password is “AIM-4.x”)
  • set appropriate hostname, IP address, DNS server
  • reset root password
  • set ssh connection parameters
  • check NTP settings (see section Base environment bellow)
  • change system variables setting (see section Apache software / System variables setting in Software Components )

There is a bash script named located in the /usr/local/bin directory, that may be useful in this process.

Cloud install

First check what you got from your cloud provider and uninstall unwanted components. Graphical interface and development components should not be present.

Then continue according to Operating System Installation


Go through all the following sections. (You will need the ADUCID Server Kit DVD, too.)

Upgrade from previuos versions

installation/start.1581609011.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/13 15:50 by mpospisek