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Using ADUCID web service “WSA”

See Server side integration basics

For detailed methods / classes / types description see Javadoc SDK Client API

WSA is meant for all platforms like PHP, C# except Java (Java is also possible but we provide a full module so WSDL import is redundant).

Web service is a standalone “application” which must be deployed on same server as AIM. Its default address is like this:


There you will see WSA Interface homepage where you can download WSDL file to generate client.


C# Example

Import WSDL into your project in Visual Studio.

Create an instance of AducidApiServiceClient and make calls to ADUCID and get authentication result with a few rows of code:

Create a start operation Url

This page starts authentication request. As a parameter of verifyLF method we provide URL with final page where authentication is evaluated:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            var aducid = new AducidApiServiceClient();
            string host = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host + ":" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port;
            var redirect = aducid.startAuthenticationSession(host + "/result");

Create check result Url

On the result page we evaluate the authentication request using aducid.getResult

There are two basic results – authentication is OK or an error is thrown:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var queryString = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Query;
            var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(queryString);
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            var aducid = new AducidApiServiceClient();
                var result = aducid.getResult(query.Get("authId"), query.Get("authkey"));
                sb.Append("<table class=\"table table-bordered\">");
                sb.Append("<tr><td>authId:</td><td>" + result.authId + "</td></tr>");
                sb.Append("<tr><td>authKey:</td><td>" + result.authKey + "</td></tr>");
                sb.Append("<tr><td>operationName:</td><td>" + result.operationName + "</td></tr>");
                sb.Append("<tr><td>UDI:</td><td>" + result.userDatabaseIndex + "</td></tr>");
                sb.Append("<tr><td>Status AIM:</td><td>" + result.statusAIM + "</td></tr>");
                sb.Append("<tr><td>Status auth:</td><td>" + result.statusAuth + "</td></tr>");
            catch (Exception ee)
                sb.Append("Error:" + ee.Message);
            lResponse.Text = sb.ToString();

Prepare a web page

This page should contain ADUCID Integration API
Provide start, check and proxy Url. aducid.setStartOperationUrl(“myOpen”); aducid.setResultOperationUrl(“myPpenCheck”); aducid.setProxyUrl(“myProxy”);

developers/integration/wsa.1530023538.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/26 14:32 by tjotov