The fundamental element of ADUCID®’s activity is an operation.
For illustration, a list of supported operations of ADUCID® is provided with a brief description of each operation:
Item Initialization of an identity | II | Identity Initialization | “init” | PEIG® and AIM together form a new unique electronic identity. |
Use of an identity | IU | Identity Use | “open” | PEIG® and AIM together validate the eID and provide a link to user information (authentication). |
Change in an identity | IC | Identity Change | “change” | PEIG® and AIM together change the existing internal values of the identity while preserving the entire context of personification (including all associated personal data). |
Termination of an identity | IE | Identity End | “delete” | PEIG® and AIM together invalidate the electronic identity and prevent anyone from performing any operation using this identity. |
Reparative change of an identity | RC | Reparative Identity Change | “rechange” | Change of an identity performed if the validity of previous identity has expired. |
Reparative initialization | RI | Reparative Identity Init | “reinit” | Identical with II, performed if corresponding identity exists on PEIG® (this operation’s purpose is to restore AIM). |
Extended Use | XUSE | Advanced operation to create replicas, display dialogs and work with personal factor. |