====== Logging ====== ==== Overview ==== The ADUCID server (AIM) consists of several components, and each of them can be configured to generate log messages. ^ Component ^ Logging set here ... ^ | Apache HTTPD server | HTTPD .conf files | | Apache Tomcat server | Tomcat .conf files | | Databaze engine | Engine specific settings | | ADUCID Binder | system variables | | ADUCID AIM | ADUCID.properties file | ==== Apache HTTPD ==== With default settings, log files are in /var/log/httpd. There are three files: * access.log * error.log * aaa_https.log ==== Apache Tomcat ==== With default settings, log files are in /opt/tomcat/logs. There are two files: * catalina.out * localhost_access_log..txt ==== Binder ==== Logging is controlled by system variable OPENAAA_VERBOSE, that can be set to the following values ^ Value ^ Log Level ^ | 1 | ERROR | | 2 | WARN | | 3 | INFO | | 4 | DEBUG1 | | 5 | DEBUG2 | | 6 | DEBUG3 | | 7 | DEBUG4 | As this component has several parts, the system variable needs to be set in several files: * /etc/profile.d/openaaa.sh * /etc/sysconfig/openaaa * /etc/sysconfig/httpd * /opt/aaa/conf/aducid-aaa.conf ==== AIM ==== Logging is set in the ADUCID.properties file. Two parameters configure what and * Parameters DEBUG_LOGGING_ON and AUDITING_ON switch on/off debug logging and audit logging, respectively. * Parameters SYSLOG_LOGGING_ON and SYSLOG_AUDITING_ON switch on/off messages destination, to a file or to syslog for debug logging and audit logging, respectively. ^DEBUG_LOGGING_ON^SYSLOG_LOGGING_ON^Output to aim.log^Output to SYSLOG^ |false|false|[INFO], [WARNING]|x | |false|true|x|[INFO], [WARNING] | |true|false|[INFO], [WARNING], [DEBUG], [ERROR]|x | |true|true|x|[INFO], [WARNING], [DEBUG], [ERROR] | ^AUDITING_ON^SYSLOG_AUDITING_ON^Output to aim_audit.log^Output to SYSLOG^ |false|false|x|x| |false|true|x|x | |true|false|[AUDIT]|x | |true|true|x|[AUDIT]| Files aim.log and aim_audit.log are located in /opt/tomcat/log. There are other settings in the ADUCID properties file, controlling syslog integration: # syslog SYSLOG_PROTOCOL=UDP SYSLOG_HOST= SYSLOG_PORT=514 SYSLOG_FACILITY=LOCAL3 # syslog - audit SYSLOG_AUDIT_PROTOCOL=UDP SYSLOG_AUDIT_HOST= SYSLOG_AUDIT_PORT=514 SYSLOG_AUDIT_FACILITY=LOCAL3 [<>]