~~NOCACHE~~ ====== Backup configuration ====== Stop the services systemctl stop tomcat9.service systemctl stop aducid-aaa.service systemctl stop httpd.service Backup the following files and directories /opt/tomcat/conf/ADUCID.properties /opt/tomcat/webapps/*.* /opt/aaa/conf/*.* **Make sure that you have made backup of the files** /opt/aaa/conf/aducid-aaa.conf /opt/aaa/conf/aducid-aim.conf **at least**, because **these files are replaced by the upgrade process**. ====== Backup database ====== Example of backup PostgreSQL database. Console is connected directly to the DB server. ~~codedoc:clean:pg_dump --verbose --inserts --file=aim.dump aim~~ ~~codedoc:clean:pg_dump --verbose --inserts --file=provider.dump provider~~ [<>]