~~NOCACHE~~ ====== Update ====== ===== Specify RPM directory ===== vi /etc/yum.repos.d/aducid.repo Enable **only the aducid-media section** [aducid-media] name=aducid $releasever baseurl=file:///media/ADUCID/repository/el$releasever/$basearch/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 Copy your installation files to the same directory, as specified above (/media/ADUCID), i.e. replace the original files. ===== Perform update ===== ==== SW modules ==== yum clean all # if the following is OK ... # (running the following command enables you to check that # * you are using the right yum repository # * you are upgrading to the right version yum update aducid-installer # ... then do the others yum update aducid-aaa-modules aim aducid-proof ==== DB schema ==== You will need to update database schema. The process depends on the version, from which the update is being performed. cd /usr/share/doc/aim- In this directory, there are subdirectories for every previous version supported for DB schema update. (4.0.1, 4.1.0, 4.2.0) * If updating from 4.0.0, start with directory 4.0.1 * If updating from 4.0.1, start with directory 4.1.0 * If updating from 4.1.0, start with directory 4.2.0 For every directory do the following cd /usr/share/doc/aim-4.2.1/ for importfile in `ls *.sql` ; do psql -e -d aim -f $importfile done ===== Check config files ===== * **You will probably need to replace newly installed file** /opt/aaa/conf/aducid-aaa.conf with the file, you saved in previous steps * Check also the /opt/tomcat/conf/ADUCID.properties file ===== Start services ===== systemctl start tomcat9.service tail -f /opt/tomcat/logs/catalina.out # systemctl start aducid-aaa.service systemctl -l status aducid-aaa.service # systemctl start httpd.service systemctl -l status httpd.service [<>]