aducid: web platform 4.DEV-SNAPSHOT API

ADUCID Web Platform

This platform helps integrate ADUCID to your Java web environment. Platform use is limited to Tomcat version 7 and higher as application container. Platform consists of two parts:

See chapters below for details.

Dynamic Part

Dynamic part is represented by standard Java library web_platform-[version].jar. If you want to work with ADUCID Web Platform, include this library to your application classpath. Library contains:

Configuration resources:

Java resources (targets to other part of this documentation):


Including library web_platform-[version].jar to your web application, your web.xml file has web-fragment.xml file as parent automatically (see Java Servlet 3.0 Specification for more information about deployment descriptor inheritance). File web-fragment.xml especially contains:

  • aimUrl context parameter - AIM R4 service URL, please overwrite this context parameter definition in your web.xml file, if aimUrl value is not defined, platform is looking for file and value of property AIM_HOST
  • usePersonalFactor context parameter - use personal factor flag, if true, personal factor input is required during authentication, default value is true
  • useComfortFactor context parameter - use comfort factor flag, if true, comfort factor input is required during authentication, default value is false
  • checkPersonalFactor context parameter - check personal factor flag, if true, personal factor value is checked during authentication, default value is true
  • checkProofing context parameter - check proofing flag, if true, user proofing status is checked during authentication, default value is false
  • checkNotApproved context parameter - check not approved flag, if true, user need not be approved during authentication, default value is false
  • authenticatePage context parameter - URL, where to redirect user to start authentication, default value is /authenticatePage
  • loggedInPage context parameter - URL, where to redirect user after successful authentication, default value is application root
  • logoutPage context parameter - URL, where to redirect user after logout, default value is /logoutPage
  • errorPage context parameter - URL, where to redirect user after unsuccessful authentication, default value is /errorPage
  • aducidResources context parameter - URL, where static part web application is running, default value is /aducid-resources
  • aducidBinder context parameter - URL, where ADUCID binder web application is running, default value is /aducid-binder
  • binderLogout context parameter - URL, where to call ADUCID binder logout, default value is /binderLogout


This file can be used as parent of your application pom.xml file. File defines:

  • plugin to generate version.jsp file as file including current build version
  • plugin to package application sources to zip
  • all required dependencies definitions


Parent file of your application Spring MVC dispatcher-servlet.xml. Default path to your dispatcher-servlet.xml should be /WEB-INF/, please put your dispatcher-servlet.xml file to that path. After that please import dispatcher-servlet-web-platform.xml file in your dispatcher-servlet.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

        <import resource="classpath:dispatcher-servlet-web-platform.xml" />


File dispatcher-servlet-web-platform.xml defines:

  • mapping to Cascading Style Sheets resources - /css/** to /css/
  • mapping to fonts resources - /fonts/** to /fonts/
  • mapping to images resources - /img/** to /img/
  • mapping to JavaScript resources - /js/** to /js/
  • basic view controller mappings - /version to version
  • JSP files default location - /WEB-INF/pages/ path

Static Part

Static part is represented by aducid-resources application. Application is part of standard AIM installation. Default application running URL is /aducid-resources . Application contains web static resources, which are shared by all applications running on ADUCID Web Platform. Resources are:
  • cascading style sheets in /css path
  • fonts in /fonts path
  • images in /img path
  • Javascipt files in /js path
  • JSP includes in /inc path - JSP includes used in other JSP files
  • JSP templates in / path - JSP templates working with Spring MVC Controllers based on ADUCID Web Platform
Package Description
Interfaces and exception.
Spring MVC Controllers.
Enumeration classes.
Standard web filters.
Standard web listeners.
Web platform beans.
Utility classes.